Tag Archives: sweetgreen

365 Challenge Day 67 – Traveling

3 Aug

I spent the week in DC, again.  Not very excited about traveling these days, but the good news is I got to eat at my favorite place again, Sweetgreen.

Whenever I go I am so inspired to eat healthier.  I mean, I eat pretty healthy, but when I go here I eat so many greens, a lot more raw and fresh veggies, and a lot lighter than I do at home.

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YUM!! This one had mesculin, arugula, roasted sweet potato, raw beets, sesame seeds, steamed broccoli, sauteed mushrooms, avocado, and since I haven’t been vegan lately and had a black beans and tofu for lunch, I added some shrimp.  With pesto dressing.  It was so delicious, and very filling and satisfying.

365 Challenge Day 9 – Sweet Greens

24 May

When I was in DC last month for a two-week conference I was bombarded with sweets and unhealthy food (see my post about it.) Something clicked in me and I decided I wasn’t going to touch any of the junk. I took matters into my own hands, and told the conference organizers not to include me in the meal count.  It was there I discovered this amazing restaurant called sweetgreen.  It was awesome!!  The best salads I’ve ever had.  I ate there almost every single night.  Now that I’m home I figure I’ll just make my own amazing salads using a lot of the same ingredients.


This was today’s lunch.  YUM!  My twelve-year-old son tried a bite, actually asked if he could have some, and then told me I should write a cookbook.  Awwww.  The best compliment ever!!  Well, if I’ve got both my kids loving arugula, I figure I must be doing something right!

Here are the ingredients:

steamed beets
shredded carrots
cooked green lentils
fresh cilantro
hearts of palm
cooked portabello mushrooms
for dressing I used: balsamic vinegar, garlic olive oil, dried dill, salt and pepper

I went easy on the oil and avocado since I’ve been trying to lose a few pounds. Speaking of which…

I weighed myself this morning and in the past two months I’ve lost 7 pounds!!  Awesome!!

I’m reluctant to totally trust this number because I did have some stomach issues last week in Madagascar, so it’s possible I’ll gain a few back.  But I think I’ve been so good about eating healthy, avoiding sugar and flour, and increasing veggies, that I definitely can count on some, maybe 5.

The last time I went to Madagascar I lost a few pounds, and that time I didn’t even have access to a fitness room and barely exercised.  Considering I ate every single meal in a restaurant I was pretty confused about that.  My conclusion was that it’s from eating three meals a day, including a hearty breakfast, with almost no snacking.  At home I can be bad about midnight snacking.  I tend to stay up late and at home I often have quite a large snack before I go to bed.  At the hotel I was pretty stuck and there were nights I went to bed hungry because I didn’t have access to snacks or sweets.  This time I brought some nuts and dried fruits, but was good about only snacking moderately.  So that’s that only reason I can think of that I would have lost weight.  Also maybe eating a hearty breakfast which I don’t usually do.  Things to think about.

I also had a green smoothie for breakfast, jam-packed with spinach and romaine lettuce, so I think I’ve had my fair share of greens today!!