Tag Archives: matcha

Kicking the Coffee Habit

2 Feb

I keep it pretty healthy, but my one vice was a five cup a day coffee habit.  Yikes!  Well friends, I’m on day three without coffee, and doing fine!

Read here about how I went from five cups a day to zero.


~ Amber

365 Challenge Day 55 – Kitchari!

15 Jul

Last night I cooked up a big pot of kitchari, and I’m very excited.

Kitchari is a simple Indian dish, often used for cleansing or balancing the system.  It is easy to make, and easy to digest.  It is a one-pot meal, with the rice, beans, vegetables, and mild spices all cooked together.  It is very balanced and can be eaten exclusively for days, or even weeks, if doing a cleanse.

Recipes vary, and can be adapted to taste, or depending on what ingredients are on hand.  This week mine has: brown basmati rice, red lentils, cauliflower, and peas, all organic, of course : )  Flavored with olive oil, turmeric, cumin seeds, mustard seeds, ginger, and salt.  It turned out even tastier than I thought it would!  Yum!  It is also delicious with coconut mild cooked in.  I often add spinach and then top it with fresh cilantro which makes it even richer in vitamins and minerals, and more delicious!

Even when I’m not doing a cleanse, I love making up a big pot and then just taking a break from cooking, or worrying about what to eat.  This way I can also focus on cooking something for my kids and not eating something I don’t want (pasta!) or not having to prepare three separate meals!

On the opposite end of the spectrum, after my healthy lunch, I had a sweet and unhealthy treat.  I have mentioned before that I am pretty much off sugar with the exception of sweetened soy milk for my coffee or tea.  Well, today I got a green tea Frappuccino from Starbucks, and even though I asked for no extra sweetener, it was disgustingly sweet.  The soy milk is sweetened.  The matcha (powdered green tea) is sweetened.  And I’m pretty convinced they ignored my request and added more sugar anyway.  I feel really grossed out that I drank it.  I think I need to ban myself from Starbucks…