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Not Buying It! Part 12

27 Mar

This is Part 12 of my 90-Day “Not Buying It” Challenge.  Inspired by Judith Levine’s book Not Buying It.

You can read my previous posts here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11.

Here are my rules for the 90 days:
* No shopping except food and essential items
* No new books, clothes, or music
* No eating in restaurants or buying take-out
* Try to use up food items that are already in the house
* I’m still allowed to pay for dance and yoga

Read about my 12th week here:

Not Buying It! Part 11

18 Mar

This is Part 11 of my 90-Day “Not Buying It” Challenge.  Inspired by Judith Levine’s book Not Buying It.

You can read my previous posts here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10.

Here are my rules for the 90 days:
* No shopping except food and essential items
* No new books, clothes, or music
* No eating in restaurants or buying take-out
* Try to use up food items that are already in the house
* I’m still allowed to pay for dance and yoga

Read about this week’s progress here!!





Not Buying It! Part 6

12 Feb

It’s been a CRAZY week, financially speaking.  Lots of ups and downs.  I’m more determined than every to stick to my “Not Buying It” challenge!

Not Buying It! Part 5

6 Feb

Moderatism- Better than Minimalism

5 Feb

Somewhere in between the starkness of Minimalism, and the burden of Maximalism, there is Moderatism, the middle way.

365 Challenge Day 314 – More Jars

9 May

Okay, I know I’m getting a little too excited about my jars, but they just work SO WELL!!  I’m tempted to throw away all my plastic tupperware, but I’m not quite there yet.

This week I made my own homemade almond milk and cashew milk.  It’s much yummier than the store bought brand because they add so much water.  Nuts are expensive but I’m prettier sure mine ends up being a lot cheaper.  The only downside is it doesn’t keep long, I can only make a couple of days worth at a time because it spoils.  I wish I could make up a whole batch on the weekend for the week.  Oh, I just thought of a good plan.  I can make almond milk on the weekend because it requires slightly more work (straining the fiber through a nut bag) while the cashew milk is super easy, no straining required, so if I have to replenish mid-week on a work night, I’ll make that.

And yes, as pictured below, I’m back on coffee : )  And yes, I’m drinking it out of a jar!


365 Challenge Day 307 – Rice and Beans

6 May

I ate so much fish when I was in Costa Rica, that I’ve been taking a break eating vegan again and it feels really good.  My digestion is still off, but I’ve been taking lots of probiotics and it seems to have helped.

BTW – Can I tell you again how much I love mason jars???


I cooked up a bunch of rice and beans on the weekend, and a bunch of mixed veggies.  I packed them all up into these little serving containers so I could easily throw them in my bag in the morning before heading to work.  It helps that I was on vacation when I planned all this.

I made a fresh spice mix with jalapeno, parsley, garlic, and salt, and a little olive oil, and used this as a base for both the rice mix and the veggie mix.  It’s still a little bland, but I ate it with some fresh avocado, and it was good!!  (And cheap.  I’m trying to replenish my savings after my trip.)

365 Challenge Day 259 – Desire

10 Apr

My daughter wanted to go shopping for some clothes and really wanted me to go with her. I’m not a fan of shopping, but it’s not often she asks to do stuff with me.

I tried on a dress, it was a slightly high end summer dress, not fancy but really well made. But it was $50 which seems like a lot to me considering I usually shop at Target, and lately haven’t been shopping at all. I really didn’t want to spend $50 on a dress, and I don’t need a new dress. But I still wanted it!!! I was annoyed with myself for even trying it on. Why would I do that to myself?? Well, I think my willpower has improved because even though I wanted it, I didn’t even consider getting it. Maybe there is hope for my inner minimalist after all.

365 Challenge Day 255 – Not Buying It

1 Apr

Last day!!

Here is how things have changed for me after three months of “not buying it”.  Tonight is my free night and I really didn’t feel like going to yoga, so I went for a walk.  I went into the square, and window shopped in a few stores, a book store, a local health food store, and the pharmacy (to get some cash from the ATM.)  I honestly could not think of one thing to buy.  What???  I considered buying some incense because I’m low, but didn’t feel like going through the trouble.  I didn’t even look at the books in the bookstore.  The window shopping experience was very short and not very satisfying because there was nothing I wanted!


365 Challenge Day 254 – Not Buying It

31 Mar

Only one day left of my three month challenge to not buy anything non-essential!  I can’t believe it!  I thought this would just be a very temporary change, and I fully intended to go back to my old ways on April 1st, with a huge list of items that I had put off buying.  But, wow, I really feel like something has shifted!!

I want to keep going with this!!  My list of items that I wanted to buy is pretty small, and in fact, most of the items I’ve decided can wait even longer.  I’ve been really wanting a new yoga mat.  But you know, even though my mat is old, smelly, and crumpling, so what?  I’ve decided to keep it for now.  It still works.  I use my yogitoes towel over it 99% of the time anyway!  So I think it will last a bit longer.  Buying a new mat is a lot more money than I thought it would be, and I’m not ready to drop that kind of dough!

It’s very exciting for me to have some extra money at the end of the month.  In fact, this has inspired me to spend even less.  I’m going to cancel our gym memberships, the sad truth is we never go.  And my one really big luxury is that I have a cleaner who comes to my house twice a month. As a busy single mom, working full time with two kids and lots of hobbies, this always felt like more of a necessity than a luxury.  I have often said I’d rather give up food than the cleaning!!  But it’s $250 a month.  That’s a lot.  I’m going to try to go without for a while and see how it goes.

I’ve got big plans for this extra money.  Nothing thrilling, but I’m excited anyway.  I’ve decided to aggressively pay off my student loans which I have been paying for almost 20 years.  I’ve got 10 years to go, but have decided that I want to be done before my kids start college.

Wow, I never thought I would be so fiscally responsible!