Tag Archives: spring cleaning

365 Challenge Day 25 – Staycation

14 Jun

I stayed home and enjoyed the 2nd day of my 4-day weekend.  It’s lovely.  I could do this every week…  sigh.

Well, I didn’t do an hour of yoga, as I had committed to yesterday.  The day just got away from me!  But I did 30 minutes.  Which felt really good.

I mostly continued with my spring cleaning today!!  I’m on a roll!  I love getting rid of stuff, it is time consuming, but just so satisfying!

I probably should have taken a “before” picture of my fridge to get the full effect, that would have been too embarrassing.  Let’s just say I couldn’t let anyone help themselves to a snack from fridge for fear they would get food poisoning.  I cleared the whole thing out, threw lots away, washed a lot of tupperware, and wiped it all down.  I also ordered a couple of parts (the middle shelf on the door has been broken for months.)  These are the little things I never get to! So, probably not very exciting for other people to read about, sorry, but I’m thrilled!


I also spent some quality time with my daughter, which is not an easy thing to do these days.  It mostly involved me driving her and her friends around.  But they appreciated it.  I even got a “Thank you, love you” from her, which was mostly sincere : )

I realized today that I haven’t really cooked since I’ve been back from Madagascar three weeks ago.  The first week I was exhausted, the second week I went to DC, and this week…  I have no excuse.  We’ve been eating a lot of take-out.  And I’ve been living on green smoothies and canned soup.  Next on the list of goals is menu planning/grocery shopping/cooking.  Maybe that will happen this weekend in between soccer matches.  In the meantime, I noticed when I cleaned out my fridge that I own a lot of hemp seed protein, guess I should start adding some to my smoothies!

365 Challenge Day 24 – Spring Cleaning!!

13 Jun

I have about 6 days of  vacation that I have use before the end of June, use ’em or lose ’em!  Apparently I have been saving them for something special, but after all the traveling I did for work this past year I’m all about the “staycation”!

I’m taking 4-day weekends for the month, which is pretty awesome : )  Today I got rid of another huge bag of stuff, this time from my son’s room, all his old clothes that are too small or he doesn’t wear.  This was easy to do without him because unlike the rest of his family he is a natural born minimalist, my daughter’s room will be much more of a challenge.

I also did the last bit of yard work that was left over from the weekend, and I must say, it looks amazing back there.  It’s never been so orderly!  Can’t wait to have the next BBQ or night sitting by the chiminea : )  I know this rhododendron bush doesn’t look very exciting, but it was a monster, I trimmed it back by about 50%, and then raked a whole season’s worth of leaves that I had dumped behind it in the winter!  I am definitely in a mood for cleaning up, and paring down.



I spent the day volunteering at my son’s school at their field day.  Oh my God, I am exhausted.  I had more than 100 twelve year old kids, in groups of about 15, that I had to corral into jumping over sets of hurdles.  By the end I had totally lost my voice.  But I am happy to say no one got injured on my watch.  And I made up a pretty fun relay race on the spot that involved crawling under the hurdles on the way back.  I’m not sure if my son really appreciated my being there, but I’m really glad I went, and the teachers sure did appreciate it!!

Okay!!  Right here I am publicly committing to doing one hour of yoga tomorrow!!  And practicing scorpion pose!!  I’ve got all day free and no excuses!!